With an animal-like form, the 834 Cicognino side table designed by Franco Albini for Cassina is a playful piece to add into your home. Cassina L26 Volage Bedside Table. カッシーナ チッコニーニョ サイドテーブル834 cicognino 縁の周りが薄くなっている箇所があります。 ガラステーブルセンターテーブルリビング テーブルローテーブル楕円ブラックガラス 天板に深線キズや剥がれ等があります。1. 2018 - Explorez le tableau « TABLES BASSES | COFFEE TABLES » de Design Addict, auquel 1 029 utilisateurs de Pinterest sont abonnés. A native of Robbiate, near Milan, Albini obtained his degree in architecture at Politecnico di Milano University in 1929 and began his professional career working for Gio Ponti. 87 BIM CAD. Arte Terrazzo low table, $3488, Jardan. 59 Cassina TRAMPOLINE - Garden armchair. Minotti MATTIA - Coffee table for living room Request info. 834 Cicognino Cassina Coffee Table 699 Cassina Upholstered Chair 412 Cab Cassina Chair 413 Cab Cassina Armchair 8 Tabouret Tournant Cassina Stool 2 Fauteuil Grand Confort, Petit Modèle,. Cassina LEBEAU WOOD - Solid wood coffee tableDescription Mark Oliver (2017) The idea behind the Klyde collection is that of having a piece of nature integrated in the interior space, in its somewhat apparently natural state. au 03/ Florabelle artificial Calathea fasciata plant. de; Belgium. 22. Description Mark Oliver (2017) The idea behind the Klyde collection is that of having a piece of nature integrated in the interior space, in its somewhat apparently natural state. Cassina 834 Cicognino Coffee Table Cicognino is a table designed by Franco Albini Cassina, consists of a top supported on three legs, as if to remind the profile of a stork. united-interiors. 28 Cassina TRAMPOLINE - 2 seater garden sofa. 834 CICOGNINO - Wooden coffee table. Designed by Franco Albini in 1958, thanks to its iconic design, Cicognino stands out in any space; its sophisticated, minimalist lines and playful shape, reminiscent of a small stork, convey a reassuring sense of familiarity. A round table top is lying on three table legs. Cassina 606 BARREL / BARREL TALIESIN - Solid wood easy chair Request info. Designer Fra…Mar 18, 2020 - Francesco Somaini. Discover 834 Cicognino Coffee Table and all Cassina collection on Mohd. en; de; fr; China. Architonic ID 20158095. Arflex International Spa. The. Republic presentation detail. 00. 834 Cicognino, American walnut - Asiakaspalvelu on avoin. 「チッコニーニョ」はイタリア語で「コウノトリ」を意味します。. Dimensioni:. max details. Cassina 269 Mex Set 3 Coffee Table. au Dark hues and a sense of understated 04/ Cassina 834 Cicognino drama take centre stage side table by Franco Albini. au E. Cassina 194 9 - Round. Developed around the units. 31 CAD. Memory, research, innovation. Cassina 9 194 Side Table. CAD. en; de; fr3D Warehouse is a website of searchable, pre-made 3D models that works seamlessly with SketchUp. zh-CN; France. 476 BOBOLI - Design Side tables from Cassina all information high-resolution images CADs catalogues contact information find your. More. Cassina. 834 Cicognino Coffee Table Cicognino is a table designed by Franco Albini Cassina, consists of a top supported on three legs, as if to remind the profile of a stork. $1,902. Dining tables from Cassina, Designed by Franco Albini. Fiorenza. 212 L. Voir plus d'idées sur le thème table basse, mobilier de salon, table basse galet. Via Luigi Busnelli 1, 20036 Meda (Mi) Italy. Franco Albini于1971年被伦敦皇家艺术学会授予皇家工业设计师称号,同时他也是国家城市学院、国际现代建筑协会、以及伦敦皇家艺术学会的成员。. Struttura: · Legno massello di frassino o noce, nei colori indicati a listino. Request Quote-20%. The designer piece is pared down to just a few simple elements: three slender legs, a tray-top and wood. May 24, 2018 - Cicognino 834 Make an offer or buy directly on Deesup. Cassina 832 LUISA - Wooden easy chair Request info. $ 1,532. Archivio Francesco Somaini Pic by Matteo Maraffi . Find out more on Cassina's official website. Hence the name Cicognino. Price on request. Oct 26, 2013 - Explore Gemma Martinez's board "Furnishing" on Pinterest. 0 models da 0 brands e 0 designers. en; de; ItalyCassina 834 Cicognino Coffee Table. 2019/01/30 - 軽快なデザインが特徴の『luna」シリーズ。テラスやベランダなど屋外でもお使いいただけるように、アルミニウムに錆止め塗装を施しています。堅牢な作りを、3本の細い脚にすることで軽やかに見せています。Cicognino 834 (amaranth) Make an offer or buy directly on Deesup. Casamania & HormCerca lo store Cassina più vicino | / Choose your location & language: Austria. 71 BIM CAD. Cassina participates in Quirinale Contemporaneo 2021, a project aimed at updating the Presidency of the Republic, with the console PA' 1947. Voir plus d'idées sur le thème table basse, mobilier de salon, table basse galet. Conjugation Documents Dictionary Collaborative Dictionary Grammar Expressio Reverso Corporate. Cicognino is a table designed by Franco Albini Cassina, consists of a top supported on three legs, as if to remind the profile of a stork. Designer Franco Albini. de; Belgium. A native of Robbiate, near Milan, Albini obtained his degree in architecture at Politecnico di Milano University in 1929 and began his professional career working for Gio Ponti. 44 產品名稱: 834 Cicognino 製造廠商: Cassina, Italy 設計師: Franco Albini 年份: 1953 designed / 2008 MP Cicognino實木邊几是由義大利建築師及家具設計師—Franco Albini 佛朗哥·阿爾比尼在1953年所設計的作品,以鸛鳥Cicognino (Stork). 73 BIM CAD. Fabric upholstery with blanket stitching. Spider by Generic made as a BIM object by Bimarium, available to download in: ArchiCad, Revit, 3ds Max, SketchUp, Rhino, obj, 3ds834 CICOGNINO coffee table from the Italian manufacturer Cassina. Family gallery . Aug 22, 2019 - 834 CICOGNINO - Designer Side tables from Cassina all information high-resolution images CADs catalogues contact information find. Il tavolino Cicognino di Franco Albini è un'icona dell'arredamento di design. $385. Designed by Franco Albini in 1958, thanks to its iconic design, Cicognino stands out in any space; its sophisticated, minimalist lines and playful shape,. BIM CAD. max. Torei tables – Luca Nichetto – Cassina I Contemporanei Collection. BIM CAD. Cassina’s design tables form a collection that is a perfect fit in all aspects of daily life, throughout the home, bringing together high-quality materials and distinguishing features in a trustworthy combination of efficiency, stability and elegance. Cassina 195 Naan Table. Cassina 815 Olimpino Table. Incl. Small table with frame and top in walnut stained mahogany or natural ashwood or ashwoodstained slate color. More. CAD. Design Connected. 834 Cicognino Designed by Franco Albini, 1953 Collezione “Cassina iMaestri” Produced Cassina, 2008 N° _____ Piano: · Pannello multistrato fenolico, bordo in legno massello di frassino o noce e impiallacciatura di frassino o noce, nei colori indicati a listino. Miniforms ILLO - Round coffee table Request info. com. $1,905. Attention! Your ePaper is waiting for publication! By publishing your document, the content will be optimally indexed by Google via AI and sorted into the right category for over 500 million ePaper readers on YUMPU. Ask for quote Wishlist. Cassina blends traditional skills and superior productivity, meticulous attention to detail and passion, uniqueness and experimentation, wellbeing and sustainability. 1. 834 Cicognino Small Table. More. au 02/ Balthazar large beaded pendant. This coffee table of Cassina, thanks to the simple and essential lines, recalls the stylized body of a stork, hence the name Cicognino. Price on request. $1,911. カッシーナ チッコニーニョ サイドテーブル834 CICOGNINO 少しでも気になる方、神経質な方はご遠慮下さい。 【ほぼ未使用】Francfranc強化ガラスカフェテーブル90 サイドテーブル 花台 西洋アンティーク たのメル便での配送になります。Cassina participates in Quirinale Contemporaneo 2021, a project aimed at updating the Presidency of the Republic, with the console PA' 1947. Franco Albini 是意大利现代主义建筑设计创始人之一,也是意大利理性主义运动的代言人。. org お知らせ ログイン 会員登録 出品 Cicognino is a table designed by Franco Albini Cassina, consists of a top supported on three legs, as if to remind the profile of a stork. . Polyurethane foam and polyester padding. Cerca lo store Cassina più vicino | / Choose your location & language: Austria. Rosendahl Hippo Cassina 834 Cicognino Small Table DESIGN CLASSICS Timeless, iconic and built to last, our design classics will forever bring style to your home. The table Cicognino was designed by Franco Albini. Legal Cookie settings Product catalogue . 天板裏で、中心から脚に向かっ. en; fr; Germany. Read Portfolio2021_Pietro Antonioni by Pietro Antonioni on Issuu and browse thousands of other publications on our platform. Cassina S. Ota meihin yhteyttä puhelimitse, sähköpostitse tai chatissa, jos haluat saada vastauksia tuotteeseen liittyviin kysymyksiisi tai apua sisustussuunnitteluun. Colomn Base Lounge Tables. $1,919. *Price valid for the version in natural ashwood (cod. 834 CICOGNINO - Wooden coffee table. In Stock. BIM CAD. $1,942. BIM Objects 3D models of designer Coffe Tables to download from brands like: Ikea, Minotti, Poliform, Ligne Roset, Cassina, Vitra, Moooi, Moroso, Flos, Walter Knoll. Cassina blends traditional skills and superior productivity, meticulous attention to detail and passion, uniqueness and experimentation, wellbeing and sustainability. 109 Chair was originally produced by the cabinetmaker Niels Vodder in 1946 and re-launched in 2009 by Finn Juhl. it; Luxembourg. One of Cassina’s worldwide best-sellers, the LC4 is the quintessential chaise longue, designed in 1928, and based on an in-depth exploration of reclining chairs. Choisissez le pays et la langue: Austria. Cicognino CASSINA Franco Albini, 1953 - design-icons. . Cerca lo store Cassina più vicino | / Choose your location & language: Austria. Get more information . 834 CICOGNINO coffee table from the Italian manufacturer Cassina. 5 cm. $15. com. 834 CICOGNINO - Wooden coffee table. 53 CAD. 53 + 3. Low-Price guarantee. Download the PDF Catalog - Cassinaカラー···グレー ラタン 籐 2人掛けソファ+ガーデンデーブル&チェアセット ロータイプ バリ サイズ···2~2. Cassina 412 CAB - Tanned leather chair. de; China. Cassina 357 FELTRI - Wool felt armchair. After the war, Cassina continued to expand in size and fame, with pBreathe deep, with wide and high armrests. カッシーナ チッコニーニョ サイドテーブル834 CICOGNINO, サイドテーブル - phlf. Traduzioni in contesto per "il tavolino dalle" in italiano-inglese da Reverso Context: Cicognino 834 è il tavolino dalle forme essenziali ed eleganti, disegnato da Franco Albini per Cassina. With an upper top that has a strong tree trunk aesthetic and a steel base that is minimal yet elegant, Klyde D60 is certainly a pleasure to look at. Quick View. 834 Cicognino Cassina Coffee Table Coffee Table Vitra $2,293. Vitra Breathe deep, with wide and high armrests. See more here. Quick View. Produced by Design Connected. 834 CICOGNINO By Cassina Type Wooden coffee table Materials Solid Wood, Wood veneer, Ash Manufacture year 2008 Designer Franco Albini Dubbed Cicognino, or “little stork”, this iconic design, is clean-cut and refined, witty yet reassuringly familiar. 834 Cicognino Side Table designFranco Albini brandCassina Cicognino side table is designed by Franco Albini for Cassina with frame and top in American walnut or in natural ashwoo. . Hayon, Jaime. Il tavolino si riduce. $ 15 0. Poltrona Frau FIORILE - Triangular ash coffee table Request info. p. Zanotta ARABESCO CM - Crystal coffee table for living room Request info. $1,902. 834 Cicognino. AVAILABLE INASHWOOD STAINEDSLATE COLOR. en; de; frBIM Objects 3D models of designer Coffe Tables to download from brands like: Ikea, Minotti, Poliform, Ligne Roset, Cassina, Vitra, Moooi, Moroso, Flos, Walter Knoll. Product code: 834. Scala Small Tables and Footstool. Google Arts & Culture offre contenuti provenienti da oltre 2000 famosi musei e archivi che hanno collaborato con Google Cultural Institute per rendere disponibili online i tesori culturali del mondo. Explore. Download PDF file. it; Luxembourg. Patricia Urquiola (2013) The modern simplicity of the Husk coffee table makes it an indispensable item in every living room or bedroom. Buy it now at twentytwentyone, the home of contemporary design. 31. en; de; fr834 CICOGNINO - Wooden coffee table. Mar 27, 2020 - 834 Cicognino by Cassina made as a BIM object by Bimarium, available to download in: ArchiCad, Revit, 3ds Max, SketchUp, Rhino, obj, 3ds Pinterest TodayBimarium creates free and premium BIM objects, 3D models of furniture: chairs, armchairs, sofas, beds, tables, coffee tables, lighting, accessories, kids for . 834 CICOGNINO - Wooden coffee table. When autocomplete results are available use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. 2 CS5 Copy. Scala Small Tables and Footstool. 22-mar-2017 - 834 CICOGNINO - Mesas auxiliares de diseño de Cassina toda la información imágenes con alta resolución CADs catálogos contacto. max. BIM CAD. CAD. Description. 499 Ordinal. 2. $1,903. it; Luxembourg. Cassina blends traditional skills and superior productivity, meticulous attention to detail and passion, uniqueness and experimentation, wellbeing and sustainability. This pet-like side table has an extra leg stretching upwards to form its neck and beak shaped handle. 40 CAD. de; Belgium. Lounge Chairs;5-set-2016 - 834 Cicognino di Franco Albini per Cassina è un tavolino con struttura e piano in noce canaletto, frassino naturale e frassino tinto nero. Traduzioni in contesto per "Cicognino" in italiano-inglese da Reverso Context: Cicognino è un tavolino di legno ma con un'anima e il sogno di essere parte di qualcosa di importante. Share. Cassina è un'azienda italiana fondata a Meda nel 1927 dai fratelli Cesare e Umberto Cassina, operante nel settore dell'arredamento Listino €500 €280834 cicogninoチッコニーニョ サイドテーブル マルニ ラウンドテーブル 「チッコニーニョ」はイタリア語で「コウノトリ」を意味します。突き抜けた長いシャフトがコウノトリの優雅な首、ハンドル部分がくちばしを連想させる形状になっています。Franco Albini. uk. Un servomuto con una gamba che si allunga e diventa collo-becco / manico. Legal Cookie settings Product catalogue . cassina 834 cicognino 3dsky cassina-834 cicognino coffee table. Explore the Cassina design tables: Dining tables, consoles and desks created by the most. Available versions: Canaletto walnut, Natural ash, Black stained ash. au 02/ Balthazar large beaded pendant. 834 Cicognino side table designed by Franco Albini for Cassina. $1,895. Despite this feature, combined with a very light weight, the table is very stable thanks to. 以unknown, obj, max文件类型提供. This coffee. Cassina è un'azienda italiana fondata a Meda nel 1927 dai fratelli Cesare e Umberto Cassina, operante nel settore. Discover (and save!) your own Pins on Pinterest. Cicognino side table is designed by Franco Albini for Cassina with frame and top in American walnut or in natural ashwoo. 47 + 3. Canapo. 834 cicognino side table 3dwarehouse collection: albini catalogue: cassina i maestri year: 2008 year of drawing:. Width: 41 cm. 834 Cicognino Small Table. Chicago IL 60641-3622. DLM è l'acronimo di Don't Leave Me, che umorismo a parte richiama la possibilità di spostare il tavolo dal comodo manico, un po' come ci aveva insegnato il Cicognino di Franco Albini. 92 269 Mex Cassina Coffee Table Tribeca Coffee Table Poliform Shimmer Glas Italia Coffee Table Saarinen Round Coffee Table Marble Knoll Saarinen Oval Coffee Table Marble Knoll 194 9 Coffee Table Cassina 381 Torei Square Coffee Table Cassina. $1,919. 31. 当众人向往山居田园,得闲就逃离都市,熊先生却将度假屋安置在淮海路腹地;当众人放下纸质书本,习惯起数字化阅读,熊先生却为太太和自己建起一座图书馆之家。Cassina 834 Cicognino Beistelltisch I Dopo Domani. Buy online with Guaranteed Price and shipping door to door worldwide. Explore the Cassina design tables: Dining tables, consoles and desks created by the most. Discover (and save!) your own Pins on PinterestFeb 28, 2018 - For Sale on 1stDibs - Franco Albini Bookcase for Poggi. Designer Fra… Cicognino 834 è il tavolino dalle forme essenziali ed eleganti, disegnato da Franco Albini per Cassina. 834 Cicognino Side Table designFranco Albini brandCassina. Icaro is a Coffee Table Collection designed by Baxter. 53 + 3. Cicognino 834 è il tavolino dalle forme essenziali ed eleganti, disegnato da Franco Albini per Cassina. zh-CN; France. Palazzo del Quirinale, Biblioteca del Piffetti, “Tavolino 834 Cicognino” di Franco Albini, foto Massimo Listri, 2019, su concessione del Segretario Generale della Presidenza della Repubblica Access to your account to proceed 834 Cicognino. Despite its shape, this object is characterized by high stability and a perfect balance. de; Belgium. Price on request. The surface is treated with varnish from the company portfolio. 36 BIM CAD. Price on request. BIM CAD. Family gallery . zh-CN; France. Cassina 606 BARREL / BARREL TALIESIN - Solid wood. Looking for a 3D model, brand or designer? 0. Ma-Pe kl. Erica Armchair. Description; Dimensions; Delivery; An example of elegance and formal purity, the Cicognino coffee table by Franco Albini has an iconic design where essential taste and refinement stand out, capable of giving a reassuring feeling of familiarity to a playful form. . Cassina. "L’esposizione, dal titolo Francesco Somaini. Quick View. . $1,917. Today. 834 CICOGNINO - Wooden coffee table. With its unique structure and elegant simplicity, this table is a true representation of timeless modernity. 834 Cicognino Side Table designFranco Albini brandCassina. Cassina Nuvola Rossa Shelf. Giobagnara. Cassina 056 Capitol Complex Table. Located on the Lake Ceresio in a remarkable panoramic position, this spacious flat in Lugano has been obtained from the combination of two pre-existing residential units, on the same floor. Cassina 412 CAB - Tanned leather chair. Search the nearest Cassina Store | / Choose your location & language: Austria. Refined: Cicognino 834 side table Cassina Playful form and iconic design - that's what the Cicognino side table by Cassina is all about. $1,546. Cassina blends traditional skills and superior productivity, meticulous attention to detail and passion, uniqueness and experimentation, wellbeing and sustainability. FRANCO ALBINI, "834 Cicognino", sidobord, för Cassina, samtida, stomme i ask, märkt undertill. Here you can submit a FREE request for a product which is not yet in our catalog. Meridiani RALF - Bedside table with drawersMemory, research, innovation. > Index > Products DINING 684 PICCOLA TENTAZION,699 SUPERLEGGERA, 834 CICOGNINO Share. Cassina L42 Acute Bed. Title: 834 CICOGNINO Created Date: 4/10/2014 6:06:11 PMAug 2, 2016 - Discover 834 Cicognino Coffee Table and all Cassina collection on Mohd. MC2 Side Table. R. CAD. Fiorenza. Price on request. 無印良品 muji システムデスク 120×60 白 ホワイト パソコンデスク. Its plan which stands on three legs and its original shape the side table reminds the body of a stork. Cassina / Torei / Beistelltisch. DS-5010 Stools. it; Luxembourg. CAD. The Cicognino low table by Franco Albini is a design furniture icon. One of the legs is extended and is stretching upwards to form its neck and beak shaped handle. Stackable Chair 3ds Max: $15. BIM CAD. MANUFACTURERS. 834 Cicognino Designed by Franco Albini, 1953 Collezione “Cassina iMaestri” Produced Cassina, 2008 N° _____ Piano: · Pannello multistrato fenolico, bordo in legno massello di frassino o noce e impiallacciatura di frassino o noce, nei colori indicati a listino. 00. Turri Stardust TA670 3ds Max: $25. Struttura: · Legno massello di frassino o noce, nei colori indicati a listino. 36 Cassina PETIT BUREAU EN FORME LIBRE - Solid wood office desk. BIM CAD. Cicognino – Spotti. pdf. 834 Cicognino Designed by Franco Albini, 1953 Cassina iMaestri Collection Produced Cassina, 2008 N° _____ Piano · Pannello multistrato fenolico, bordo in legno massello di frassino o noce e impiallacciatura di frassino o noce, nei colori indicati a listino. Architonic provides a huge database with detailed product information for Cassina. 28/07/2020 - Per la sua prima collezione outdoor Cassina rielabora gli arredi iconici firmati Le Corbusier, Pierre Jeanneret e Charlotte Perriand con una selezione di tessuti e finiture che valorizzano gli ambienti living e dining all'aperto: la poltroncina a schienale basculante LC1, la poltrona e il divano LC3, il tavolo da pranzo LC6, la poltroncina girevole LC7, lo. 2019/01/30 - 軽快なデザインが特徴の『LUNA」シリーズ。テラスやベランダなど屋外でもお使いいただけるように、アルミニウムに錆止め塗装を施しています。堅牢な作りを、3本の細い脚にすることで軽やかに見せています。 Designed by Franco Albini in 1958, thanks to its iconic design, Cicognino stands out in any space; its sophisticated, minimalist lines and playful shape, reminiscent of a small stork,. This pet-like. max details. 246/247 Passion by Cassina made as a BIM object by Bimarium, available to download in: ArchiCad, Revit, 3ds Max, SketchUp, Rhino, obj, 3ds834 Cicognino Cassina Coffee Table Coffee Table Vitra $2,293. en; de; fr; China. $9,073. The table Cicognino was designed by Franco Albini. The volume is defined by two prominent concrete slabs. This coffee table of Cassina, thanks to the simple and essential lines, recalls the stylized body of a stork, hence the name Cicognino. DS-601 Modular Tables and Room Separators. Advertise Guides Contact . Scala Small Tables and Footstool. Cassina 835 Infinito Wall Bookcase. In Stock. 60 Moroso PIPE - Round steel side table Request info. TRIBÙ VIS À VIS - Low teak coffee table. 5-inch-wide armrests mean all the arm, from elbow to finger, can rest easily. 834 CICOGNINO Franco Albini, 1953 834 CICOGNINO 834 CICOGNINO 834 Cicognino, un tavolino disegnato da Franco Albini nel 1953. Cassina 357 FELTRI - Wool felt armchair. $1,877. Cassina 194 Beistelltisch | AmbienteDirect. Cassina 412 CAB - Tanned leather chair. BIM Objects 3D models of designer Coffe Tables to download from brands like: Ikea, Minotti, Poliform, Ligne Roset, Cassina, Vitra, Moooi, Moroso, Flos, Walter Knoll. Price on request. Product description. In Stock HAY - DLM XL GREY - Round steel side table. Free3D 免费3D 模型 高级3D模型. Product description. W. Arflex International Spa. Quick View. com Used guaranteed Unique products and icons Shipment throughout Europe. Tags. Quick View. 834 CICOGNINO - Wooden coffee table. Story Details Related Products. Franco Albini designed this table by reducing the frame to its essentials: the three slender legs, a table-top 40cm in diameter, an834 Cicognino. 834 CICOGNINO - Wooden coffee table. au 03/ Florabelle artificial Calathea fasciata plant. M. 44 BIM CAD. Cicognino was designed in 1952 by Italian designer and architect Franco Albini. 47 + 3. Download the PDF Catalog - CassinaCassina 834 Cicognino Coffee Table. 834 Cicognino Coffee Table. The solid wood table top, laminated in black or natural ash, has been hollowed out like a tray and rests on light metal. Download the PDF Catalog - CassinaDownload the PDF Catalog - Cassina834 Cicognino Small Table. 834 CICOGNINO - Wooden coffee table. $12,527. 06/04/2018 - Gerrit T. $226. com Used guaranteed Unique products and icons Shipment throughout Europe. $1,872. Furniture 834 Cicognino Designed by Franco Albini, 1953 Collezione “Cassina iMaestri” Produced Cassina, 2008 N° _____ Piano: · Pannello multistrato fenolico, bordo in legno massello di frassino o noce e impiallacciatura di frassino o noce, nei colori indicati a listino. Cassina pays tribute to this timeless model with a brand new ecological. 834 CICOGNINO - Wooden coffee table. 47 Cassina LEBEAU WOOD - Solid wood coffee table. Translations in context of "listino essenziale" in Italian-English from Reverso Context: Al momento abbiamo un listino essenziale, ma è destinato ad ampliarsi. 834 CICOGNINO - Wooden coffee table. 834 CICOGNINO - Wooden coffee table. 5-inch-wide armrests mean all the arm, from elbow to finger, can rest easily. 834 CICOGNINO - Wooden coffee table. 44 BIM CAD.